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Power Up and Pocket £350 for each new Powerwall installed by the end of 2023!

Date added: Tue 22 Aug 2023

Power Up and Pocket £350 for each new Powerwall installed by the end of 2023!

With the ongoing environmental concerns and the rising costs of traditional energy sources, embracing renewable energy solutions has never been more important.  To encourage more households to make the switch to sustainable energy, Tesla is offering a limited-time cashback reward of £350 for every new Powerwall installation.

Powering Your Home with Innovation

Tesla Powerwall is a cutting-edge energy storage solution designed to seamlessly integrate with your home's solar panels. It stores excess energy generated during sunny days and makes it available when the sun isn't shining, ensuring you have a consistent power supply even during grid outages. This not only reduces your reliance on fossil fuels but also saves you money in the long run by harnessing and storing free, renewable energy.

The Benefits of Tesla Powerwall

  1. Energy Independence: By installing a Powerwall, you'll gain more control over your energy usage and reduce your reliance on the grid.  With Powerwall you'll have a reliable backup power source right at your fingertips keeping your home powered during an outage.
  2. Reduced Energy Bills: Say goodbye to high energy bills. Powerwall allows you to optimize your energy consumption by drawing power from the stored energy during peak hours when electricity rates are high.
  3. Environmental Friendliness: Powerwall helps reduce your carbon footprint by enabling you to utilize clean energy sources more efficiently. This contributes to a greener planet and a healthier future for generations to come.
  4. Smart Energy Management: The Powerwall system is equipped with smart technology that learns your energy consumption patterns and adapts to them. This means you'll be using energy more intelligently, further enhancing your savings.

How to Get Started

Getting started with Tesla Powerwall and securing your £350 cash rebate is a straightforward process. 

  1. Assessment: Get in touch.  As a Tesla-certified installer we will assess your energy needs and recommend the right Powerwall setup for your home.  Find out more about our process in our Learning Centre.
  2. Installation: Once you've chosen the right Powerwall configuration, the installation process is handled by our experienced professionals. They'll ensure that the system is seamlessly integrated into your home.
  3. Rebate Application: Claim your £350 cashback reward through your Tesla App. Be sure to follow the provided instructions to claim your rebate before the offer expires!

There's never been a better time to transition to clean, sustainable energy. By investing in a Powerwall, you're not just upgrading your home; you're contributing to a more sustainable future for our planet.

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